This Listing:
Title: The Frosty Walk, Original Print by Laurel Moore
Size A3 (29 cm by 42 cm)
Fine Art Open Edition Print
Hand signed by Laurel Moore
Painting only (no frame)
I discovered this lovely woodland walk beside a small lake on one of my dog walks in Scotland. I was blown away by the winter colours. On the cusp of autumn and winter the beech leaves were still hanging on with their rich auburn and orange tones and the grasses still were unbleached by the cold of winter. Yet an icy frost hung over the vegetation, foretelling the winter cold to come.......
Framing is Easy!This painting can be put straight into an A3 sized frame of your choice. Or if you like to add size and impact add a mat/mount for this painting, then add an A2 sized frame.Use Picture Mounting Tape to secure the painting to the mount on all four sides.
I am always Refund Friendly :O) So Happy Shopping! Any questions? Drop me a message through my Psychic Page.
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